F346E1F570A25CE33B28C7AE7EDC01BE640D55D0 Leaderboard

The fastest completion times recorded on F346E1F570A25CE33B28C7AE7EDC01BE640D55D0 by CTGP-Revolution users as of 2024-04-20 09:05 UTC. There are 2 unique players represented across 3 records. The CTGP-Revolution track ID for this course is SLOT10-F346E1F570A25CE33B28C7AE7EDC01BE640D55D0. This is a custom track. The special slot ID used for this course is 0x10 and so the correct My Stuff file name for this track would be old_peach_gc.szs. The track may be available for download from Wiimm's CT archive at ct.wiimm.de/i/F346E1F570A25CE33B28C7AE7EDC01BE640D55D0.

We do not have a name for this course. If you know the name, please do a time trial on this course using CTGP-Revolution and upload the time. Then connect to this database using the CTGP-Revolution channel. You will be prompted to submit a name for the track. We will then moderate these submissions and update the track name manually for this website and the CTGP-Revolution channel.


Fastest Time - Fastest Lap

Rank Player Time Date Controller
01:42.9612021-08-26Wii Wheel
01:52.6272021-08-18Wii Wheel